IGDA Bangalore organized ‘Demo Day’ on February 26 for Game Developers to show their games in progress and seek feedback from fellow devs. The event took place in the office of GreedyGame at Koramangala, Bangalore. During the event, many games in various stages of development were shown and feedback sought from attendees. Games from varied platforms – from VR to mobile and PC were on display.
The event consisted of three minute presentations for each game followed by a social interaction phase which enabled attendees to play said games and give direct feedback to the developer. The VR game was a huge draw – many people lined up to play the cricket game on VR.
Further details of the event can be found at the IGDA Bangalore Facebook Page – https://www.facebook.com/igda.bangalore/
An album created at said Facebook page of the event – https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1276360092452618.1073741830.113699182052054